- The Whetstone Shelter – Kent Christon
- Sailing to America: Latitude data for the Copper Trail to Isle Royale and Egypt recorded on Bronze Age Axheads – Jay Wakefield
- Adena Earthworks at Charleston, WV – Jason Jarrell and Sarah Farmer
- Ancient Minoans in Pre-Columbian America – Ancient American Staff
- Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley, Part 13 The Forts of the Cumberland River – Rick Osmon
- “These Interesting Remains” Marietta Reevaluated, Part 2 – Mark R. Eddy
- The Use of Fossil Shark Teeth in North America
- Egyptian Writings on Hidden Mountain
- Newark Octagon: Another View
- Aztalan Discovered? Utah Cavern May Point the Way
- Ancient American Anomalies: The God Kettle
- Effigy Mounds in Richland County, Wisconsin