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Volume 25, Issue 132: Ancient Mariners in North America


  • Who was the Peace Maker? – Robert Shrewsbury
  • Did the Hopewell Empire Extend to the Atlantic? – Adam Oliver Stokes, M. Div.
  • The Michigan Relics, Part 1 of 3 – Steve Shaffer
  • Mysterious Stone Bust on the Maumee River – Fritz Zimmermann
  • Aeronautical Model of Tiahuanaco: Evidence of High Tech – Rafael V. Eissmann
  • Ancient Mariners in America – Beverley H. Moseley, Jr. (posthumously)
  • AAPS 16th Annual Conference on Ancient America
  • Preservation: America’s Stonehenge Project
  • A.D. 1465 Canoe has new home in Mississippi
  • General Dispersion of the Elk Nation (WM. Pidgeon)
  • Who were the Alleghans? (H.R. Schoolcraft)