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Volume 13, Issue 79: Copper Miners on the Shores of Lake Superior


  • The Pawnee Americans – Mark E. Zimmerman
  • The Puuc Region; Uxmal – Colette O’Brien
  • Following the Track of the Werewolf – Frank Joseph
  • Prehistoric Copper Mines: Lake Superior – Skillings Mining Review
  • Mounds of the Kanawha Valley, W.V. – J.W. Powell
  • Mitrochondrial DNA: North America – Pat Morgan
  • Caucasian Mummies of China – Patrick C. Chouinard
  • The Atlantic Conference, August 2008
  • Earthworks Shrouded in Mystery – John Switzer
  • A.A.P.S. Fall 2008 Conference on Ancient America
  • Geological Origin: Burrows Cave “Black Stones” -Scott Wolter P.G.
  • Ptolematic Religion at Burrows Cave – John J. White, III
  • Brazil’s Immense Gardens – David Hoffman