Contact Ancient American
Ancient American is an open forum for anyone, regardless of academic background, to share their discoveries and ideas about the prehistory of our country with readers across the nation and around the world. As an exercise in freedom of thought, we welcome the participation of amateurs, in addition to professionals. In turn, public input is accepted and encouraged. Feel free to contact us about subscriptions, book orders, back issues, change of address, article submissions, advertising, books for review, and general information.

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Submission Guidelines
Article submissions are encouraged, but must meet our requirements:
- Maximum word count: 3,000. Original, copyright-free photographs and/or drawings illustrating submitted texts are required. Articles should never be written in the first person, unless the author is him/herself directly involved in the work described.
- All submissions must be accompanied by a self-addressed, postage-paid return envelope. Even so, Ancient American takes no responsibility for any submitted materials lost or destroyed.
- All accepted manuscripts submitted to Ancient American will be edited from their original texts as needed to meet journalistic standards for accuracy, grammar, syntax, consistency and clarity.
- Hand-written submissions are not acceptable. email submissions and clearly typed, double-spaced hard-copies on clean paper are accepted, as are disk submissions. Submissions may be rejected without explanation or notification.
- Payment for published articles comprises five copies of the issue in which his/her submission appears unless previous arrangements are made for payment.
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Colfax, Wisconsin 54730