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Viking America


By Gunnar Thompson
The latest treasure from maverick scholar, Gunnar Thompson, is a feast of intellectual surprises and family entertainment. Viking America offers up a smorgasbord for those who are curious about the true story of America’s multicultural heritage. This remarkable book is a festival filled with humorous episodes, desperate gambles, and inspiring human achievements.
Viking America begins with the roles of women weavers who recorded details concerning New World trade in their ancient tapestries. A Norse-French tapestry from Bayeux, Normandy, includes scenes of New World turkeys and labor gangs digging earthworks. The author includes New World turkeys along with furs, lumber, codfish, tin, and maize that were imported into Northern Europe. Welsh traditions of building hilltop forts, earthworks, walled roadways, and circular corrals reappeared across the landscape of Ancient America as the Old World settlers built hilltop cities along the Ohio River Valley. Welsh-Indian residents in these forts numbered in the tens of thousands. As late as the 18th century, their descendants were known as the “Welsh-speaking Indians.”
Softcover, 8.5×11, 335 pages, illustrated with maps, artifacts, earthworks, ships, plants, etc.
