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Volume 11, Issue 72: Bearded Faces of Mesoamerica


  • A.D. 1465 Canoe Discovered in Southern Mississippi – Terry Haney
  • Bearded Faces and MesoAmerican Prehistory – Frank Joseph
  • Soper-Savage Find Revisited – James P. Grimes
  • Around C.E. 535 Change American History – John J. White III
  • The Mastodon and Mammoth Contemporary with Man – Fredrick Bennett Wright
  • Mysterious Petroglphs in the U.S. – Terry Carter and Shawn Davies
  • Pennsylvania’s Stone Fort – Irvin Shirk
  • Our Museums: A Recent Observation
  • Neil Capehart Kennewick Man: On Schedule For a Six Month Checkup – Anna King
  • Midwestern Epigraphic Symposium
  • A.A.A.P.F. Midwestern Conference
  • Answers From Antiquity – Colette Smith
  • Recent Finds in the News
  • Minnesota Archaeologists Hoisted on their own Academic Petard
  • Comments on the “X” factor in North America – Wayne May