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Volume 19, Issue 109: Special Issue: Colonization of the Americas; the BEAKER PEOPLE and the ADENA


  • Details of Adena Giant Reconstruction – Jason Jarrell & Sarah Farmer
  • Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley, Part 9 Cumberland River Complex and Forts – Rick Osmon
  • Ritual Landscapes of the Kanawha Valley: Pre-Columbian Contact , Gigantic Skeletons, and the True Age of Adena – Jason
  • Jarrell & Sarah Farmer
  • The Colonization of North and South America by the Beaker People – Jay Wakefield
  • Nephilim Mathematics and Pythagoras’s Triangles at Newark Earthworks, Ohio – Fritz Zimmerman
  • The Universal Henge
  • Some Archaic Bannerstones
  • The Epitome of Winged Bannerstones
  • Early Woodland Adena Gorgets
  • Lost City of Giants: Secrets of Sonora, Mexico
  • Ancient Wheat from Mounds in Utah
  • A Kentucky Cave Story
  • Skeleton Found, Man Over Nine Feet Tall
  • Flood Exposes Ancient Burial Ground