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Volume 21, Issue 116: Ancient Brick Discovered at Arkfeld Site, WV


  • The Mysterious Stone Walls of Mercer County, Kentucky – Dr. Lee Pennington
  • Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley, Part 16: Easily Overlooked – Rick Osmon
  • Overlooked Forefathers of Pre-Columbian America – Mark Eddy (Book Reviews)
  • Possible Roman Era Gold Lamella Found in Maine – Douglas Jones Sr. and Scott F. Wolter, P.G.
  • A Metal of Power and Prestige: North Americas Ancient Copper Industry – Jason Jarrell and Sarah Farmer
  • Plumed Serpent in North America – Richard Balthazar
  • Ancient Technology: Granite Veneer
  • Newark Earthworks: A Different View
  • Obituary: Dr. Gunnar Thompson
  • DNA: Focus on Uchee and Apalache Ancestry
  • Arkfeld Site Reveals Ancient Foundation
  • Catacclysm, B.C.! Can it Happen Again and Soon?
  • Examining the MacIntosh Stone Photo Correction
  • Fireplace Artifact? Hammer?
  • University of Pennsylvania: Moundbuilders Exhibit