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Volume 23, Issue 122: Fort Glenford Earthwork


  • Archaeological Evidence: 7,000 Year Old Site in Gulf – Mark Ard
  • Mesoamerican Connection to Eastern USA – Gary C. Daniels
  • Cultural Genocide at Grave Creek – Michael Burk
  • New York Mounds and their relation to Hopewell – William A. Ritchie, Archaeologist
  • Magnetometry Survey of Fort Glenford, Ohio – Richard D. Moats & Calvin & Rosanna Hamilton
  • Ancient Fortresses of the Ohio Valley, Part 19 – Rick Osmon
  • Genetic Roots of Europeans/Native Americans
  • Petroglyph Group in the Parral Mountains
  • Breaking Ground: Neolithic American Southwest
  • Ancient Human History in Central/South America
  • Copper Band Discovery Shows Extensive Trade
  • Heartland Research Group
  • Federal Officials Divulge Secret Info Native Artifacts
  • Study Upends Timeline for Iroquoian History
  • What is It?
  • Artifact: Stone Effigy Pipe
  • Winter Solstice Rituals and Indigenous People