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Volume 23, Issue 125: Maya Temple-Pyramids at Palenque


  • New Discovery of Ancient Near Easterners in N.A – Frank Joseph
  • The Cockaponset Carvings – David Goudsward
  • Polar Antarctic Origin of Mankind – Rafael Videla Eissmann/Roberto Rengifo
  • Transporting Michigan’s Prehistoric Copper – Ron Rademacher
  • The Golden SunGod of the Beaker People – Jay Wakefield
  • Ancient Garden Builders of the Great Lakes – Lon E. Kreger
  • Plaenque, a Great Maya Metropolis – George Fery
  • Ancient DNA Connects Native Americans with Europe/Asia
  • Saving Butler County Fortified Hilltop
  • Archaeologist Unearths History in Mississippi Valley
  • Intact Atlatl Spear Emerges from Yukon’s Melting Ice
  • Two Tennessee Clay Pipe Makers
  • The Mysterious Ancient Calendar of the Sinagua
  • Wild Strawberrys and the Moundbuilders