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Volume 3, Issue 21: East Star Man, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, Viracocha, America’s Ancient Visitors


  • Red Cedar River Death Masks – John Russell
  • Noah’s Ark and His Lost City of Naxuan – David A. Deal
  • Stone Tablets of Mu – Prof. Nobuhiro Yoshida
  • ‘Standing Stones’ of Northern California – Steve Bartholomew
  • The ‘Lost Tomb’ of Alexander the Great and Other Problems – Alexander P. McGregor
  • Emergence of America’s Viking History – Marion Dahm
  • Book Review: Fair Gods and Feathered Serpents – Terry O’Brien
  • Book Review: The Secret of the Incas – Bruce Scofield
  • New Find Near Bimini – A.A. Staff
  • Editorial: Japan’s Sunken ‘City’: Geological or Archaeological – Frank Joseph
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Phoenician Grapes Growing in Virginia? – John Fitzhugh Millar
  • Indian Mascots – ACPAC Newsletter