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Volume 5, Issue 35: Copper Cultures of Upper Michigan & Wisconsin


  • Endangered: Michigan’s Sacred Site – by Dr. James E. Gillihan
  • Prehistory’s Greatest Mystery: Copper Mines of Ancient Michigan – by Octave J. DuTemple
  • America’s Oldest Cemetery, the Copper Miners’ Grave Yard – by Wayne N. May
  • Missing: Half-a-Billion Pounds of Ancient Copper – by David Hoffman
  • Historical and Geological Record of the Copper Country – by Fred Rydholm
  • Who Mined Great Lakes’ Copper 4,000 Years Ago? – by Jim Grimes
  • Ancient Trade Routes in Americas Copper Country – by Professor James P. Scherz
  • I visited Wisconsin’s Finest Copper Collection – by Wayne N. May
  • Earth Changes-2000 Conference
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Book Review: Ancient Man, A Handbook of Puzzling Artifacts